On November 17, we performed at William Paterson University in Wayne, New JOIZEE!!! (sorry--it's the Jersey girl in me). We don't really have any funny stories to tell about the trip or the show (unless you want to count the fender-bender I caused on the way up). Most of all, we'd like to thank Adriana, Tony, and Melissa (pictured from right to left with us above--sorry Melissa, I only had this pic with your eyes closed) who made the show possible. This post will mostly be pics with people whose names we didn't get.
Here's a picture of the space we performed in:

That's Catzie writing her poems before the show (her usual). Don't the balloons look pretty? I took a bunch of them home for my kids who played with them all day. My youngest daughter would lay on the floor and pull the ribbon until the balloon came down to her, then she'd let it go and do it again. I swear she did that for at least an hour straight. Anyway, I got some audience shots too:

Don't they look happy to be there? More people arrived for the show:

It was funny b/c the audience was, like, right in front of us--I mean we could go up to them and touch them if we wanted while we performed. I swear-to-God I was tempted to put my finger on somebody's forehead like New York did to Crazy in Flavor of Love. Anyway, during the show, I tried to take pictures of Catzie while she performed. We didn't have any stands for the mics, so we were forced to use a podium. Catzie looks so professorial here:

You would think that when I'm performing, Catzie would take pictures of me, too, right? Nooo, she's taking pictures of her finger:

Or she's goofing around with the camera and taking pictures of
herself while I'm doing a poem:

Mind you, I'm doing a poem while she's taking this picture, so nobody is paying attention to me at all. When Catzie does take my picture, it's of my big ol' bubble butt:

Anyway, the students at WPU took better pictures after the show. This first guy was funny b/c in this first picture, he's stooped down to be on our level:

But then he figured that if the photo got posted, he didn't want people (the ladies?) thinking he was short. So here's he is at his normal height:

Sorry--we didn't get his name. We took some pictures with some of the young ladies too. We didn't get anyone's name here either.

I hate to disappoint folks, but I don't do the posing thing well. Here some folks whose names we did manage to get: Stefan and Oscar:

After our performance, the Indian students put on a fashion show. Yep, we have a picture with them:

Don't they all look so nice. OK, my kids are going crazy right now, so I have to make the rest of this quick: in another picture we took with Adriana and Melissa (eyes open this time) was Adriana's friend Milton who I want to give a shout to b/c he's from South Jersey, knew where Penns Grove was without me telling him, and also knew this guy my husband played b-ball with in college.

Finally, big ups to DJ Shy who let us use his wireless mics during the show--not to mention he killed it with the music:

OK, my kids are in meltdown mode right now--will post again soon.
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